It has been just about 7 months since the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) was passed by the House. Since then, the Federal Government has invested billions in tax relief, research projects, job creation initiatives, and Cash for Clunkers!
Here in Maryland, we have been on the forefront of the ARRA Movement. Governor O’Malley was featured in a GovTech Article and as a lead speaker at the ESRI Conference for his commitment to GIS in StateStat and Maryland’s Recovery & Reinvestment Website is ranked #1 in the Nation for Reporting of Spending.
According to
- Under the stimulus plan 66,000 jobs in Maryland will be created/saved over the next two years
- $4.1 Billion has been “announced” for projects in Maryland
- $3.26 Billion of that has been “made available”
- $988 Million has been “paid out”
Consider this, Texas has seen $16.9 Billion announced while Wyoming has only seen $632 Million announced for investments in their state!
American Reinvestment and Recovery Act and Towson University
Our exceptional faculty, with support from the Office of University Research Services, have secured six Stimulus funded projects that support our Metropolitan University Mission! Snaps for all those involved!
- Clare Muhoro and Lev Ryzhkov, Chemistry, “MRI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer to Support Undergraduate Research and Chemical Education at Towson University,” National Science Foundation, $307,323, August 15, 2009 through July 31, 2012.
- Roland Roberts and John LaPolla, Biological Sciences, “Improvements to the Botanical And Entomological Collections at the Towson University Biodiversity Center,” National Science Foundation $273,214, September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2012.
- C. Alix Timko, Psychology, “Acceptance-Based Separated Family Treatment for Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa,” National Institutes of Health, $216,865, May 5, 2009 through April 30,2011
- Jeremy Tasch, Geography and Environmental Planning, “Collaborative Research: Territorial Imaginaries and Arctic Sovereignty Claims,” National Science Foundation, $116,610, September 1, 2009 through February 29, 2012. Collaborative research with the University of West Georgia and Florida State University.
- David Vanko, Dean’s Office, Fisher College of Science and Mathematics, with Katherine Denniston, Provost’s Office, Todd Kenreich, Secondary Education, Donald Thomas, Willard Hackerman Academy, and Jane Wolfson, Environmental Science and Studies, “Towson University Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program,” National Science Foundation, $900,000 June 1, 2009 through May 31, 2014. These are scholarships for students who will teach in STEM subjects.
- Vonnie Shields, Biological Sciences, “Peripheral Processing and Coding of Gustatory Input – Administrative Supplement Request,” National Institutes of Health, $35,519, July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.
TU’s faculty and DECO staff members continue to look for opportunities to support the mission of the ARRA while fulfilling our role as Maryland’s Metropolitan University!