As 2021 comes to a close and we look forward to a new year, we take this time to look at where we’ve been. Our year in review highlights some of our accomplishments, impacts, and stories from the past twelve months.

Challenging the status quo of leadership development

The Dr. Nancy Grasmick Leadership Institute offers a values-driven and robust portfolio of offerings for individuals and organizations that create transformational outcomes.

Leadership Institute announced

Dr. Nancy Grasmick lends vision, philanthropy, furthering TU’s mission as an anchor institution providing leadership for the public good.

Executive director named

Erin Moran’s career is dedicated to developing leaders who create inspiring work environments that enable people to be fulfilled while driving business success.

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Supporting entrepreneurs

The StarTUp at the Armory is TU’s front door for start-ups, small businesses, as well as our region’s largest corporations. 

StarTUp at the Armory opening wows crowds

“Wow. What an amazing facility we’re standing in today. This space, the StarTUp, is frankly a startup in so many ways. This startup is intended to be a crucible to ignite economic development for the greater Baltimore region.”

TU-backed accelerator starts up new legacy in new home

Seven startups were accepted into the 2021 StarTUp Accelerator. Their founders pitched their ventures to an eager audience at the StarTUp Accelerator Showcase in the new StarTUp at the Armory.

Initiative sees Baltimore as nation’s first Equitech City

The mission of UpSurge is to make Baltimore the next great tech city and to be an inclusive, thriving growth hub at the forefront of innovation that supports companies rather than exclude them.

Addressing Workforce Needs

We have implemented several new continuing education courses based on growing demand and have updated other courses to reflect industry changes so working professionals are prepared to meet the demands of the workforce.

Job searching? Brush up on these skills.

This year we partnered with the TU Career Center to develop a series of professional development workshops and resources. Check them out.

Top reasons to choose a medical billing/coding career

Looking for a secure career in the healthcare industry? Our medical billing and medical coding courses have been widely popular.

Celebrating student success

We work with students and workforce development offices to ensure students achieve education and career goals.

Growing Partnerships

In partnership with Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, we manage and support BTU—Partnerships at Work for Greater Baltimore.

Towson University Inside-Out Prison Exchange

Momentum and impact

TU’s Fair Chance Higher Education Initiative is part of a growing national movement to increase higher education access for those directly impacted by the criminal justice system.

Partnering through a pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, TU’s partnership work didn’t stop. Instead, the partnerships pivoted, endured challenges and, in some cases, formed because of the pandemic.

Racial equity and community engagement

We can all take lessons from Dr. Lawrence Brown’s book The Black Butterfly and utilize them as a toolkit for community engagement in Baltimore.

Providing research and analysis solutions

We provide analysis, technical, and research services to the region’s businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations that directly benefit the citizens of our state and region.

Band-Aid on a bullet hole: The U.S. housing crisis

The ongoing pandemic and the ending of the eviction moratorium could exacerbate wealth disparity in the country.

The Jumanji Economy

Danger and uncertainty lurk in all corners of the national and local economies—primarily tied to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its effects.

Reporting monthly unemployment data

Each month, RESI economists provide detailed analysis of the latest unemployment numbers and what’s happening in our economy.

Anchoring Our Community

Higher education institutions like TU are anchor institutions—local economic engines and mission-driven organizations tied to the long-term well-being of their local communities.

tu higher education anchor mission

TU joins Place Based Justice Network

This learning community is “…committed to transforming higher education and our communities by deconstructing systems of oppression through place-based community engagement.”

Growing TU’s presence in uptown Towson

Through two strategic development projects in uptown Towson, TU continues to build on its role as an anchor institution and economic-driver.

Enriching Lives

Since 1999, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Towson University has been providing adults, age 50 and older, opportunities for continued learning, along with programs and activities for social and cultural enrichment.

Science with grandma and grandpa

Many of us think back to science class with fond—or not so fond—memories of experiments, science fair projects, and learning about what really makes the world turn. One Osher instructor is helping us relive those positive experiences.

Faith leaders breaking barriers, building bridges

How did two faith leaders join forces to break down barriers and build bridges? Learn about their unexpected relationship and initiatives.

Visualizing Data

We work with clients to identify, analyze, and better understand GIS data to enhance information access, deliver new insights, and utilize technology to inform business challenges and decisions.

Supporting environmental public health

We’re working with the Maryland Department of Health to redevelop the department’s of Health’s Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) portal.
towson university center for gis story maps

Tell your story with story maps

Story maps combine interactive maps with text, images, videos, and HTML content to provide users with an experience that can both inform and inspire.